Here are some code snippets in various languages that compute the Basel Problem:

To begin, $\LaTeX$

$$ \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6} = 1.6449340668482264 $$


def pi_squared_over_6(N: int) -> float:
    return sum(x**(-2) for x in range(1,N))


fn pi_squared_over_6(N: u64) -> f64 {
    (1..N).map(|x| 1.0 / ((x*x) as f64)).sum()


piSquaredOver6 :: Integer -> Double
-- no capital N in Haskell :(
piSquaredOver6 n = sum $ map (\x -> 1 / fromIntegral (x * x)) [1..n]


double pi_squared_over_6(unsigned int N) {
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
        sum += 1.0 / (i*i);
    return sum;

What’s your favorite solution?


Let’s see how they compare in performance on an M1 Pro, for $N=10^9$.

LanguageTime (ms, $\mu \pm \sigma$)
Rust (parallelized)$112.6 \pm 3.5$
Rust (–release)$937.9 \pm 0.4$
C (-O3)$995.3 \pm 0.8$
Haskell (-O3)$13454 \pm 205$
Python (3.10)$67720 \pm 0$

Fixing Python

The python code took an absurdly long amount of time to run, so lets fix it by taking advantage of numpy, which calls into vectorized C code.

import numpy as np

def pi_squared_over_6(N: int) -> float:
    x = np.ones(N)
    r = np.arange(1,N)
    sq = np.square(r)
    div = np.divide(x, sq)
    return float(np.sum(div))

A bit better, but when I’m checking btm, the excessive memory consumption suggests most of the work done is moving around billions of floats, not the actual arithmetic. Lets try splitting this into chunks:

def pi_squared_over_6(N: int) -> float:
    CHUNKS = 25000
    SIZE = N // CHUNKS
    s = 0.0
    x = np.ones(N // CHUNKS - 1)
    for i in range(CHUNKS):
        N_tmp = i * SIZE
        r = np.arange(N_tmp + 1, N_tmp + SIZE)
        sq = np.square(r)
        div = np.divide(x, sq)
        s += np.sum(div)
        # deallocate memory
        del sq
        del div
        del r
    return s

Much better! Now it’s running under 2 seconds!